- a.n. whitehead - process and reality: an essay in cosmology
- abraham joshua heschel - the sabbath
- aditya bhargava - grokking algorithms
- alain de botton - the architecture of happiness
- alan cooper - about face 3: the essentials of interaction
- alan jacobs - how to think
- alan watts - the book
- alan watts - the way of zen
- alan watts - the wisdom of insecurity
- albert camus - a happy death
- albert camus - the fall
- albert camus - the first man
- albert camus - the myth of sysiphus
- albert camus - the plague
- aldous huxley - brave new world
- alfred lansing - endurance: shackleton’s incredible voyage
- allen ginsberg - howl and other poems
- amanda ripley - the unthinkable
- andrew epstein - attention equals life
- andrew s growe - high output management
- andrés duany - suburban nation
- andrés duany - the smart growth manual
- ann patchett - the dutch house
- anne carson - autobiography of red
- anne lamott - bird by bird
- annie ernaux - the years
- anonymous - the tale of the heike (craig mccullough
- anthony bourdain - gone bamboo
- anthony burgess - a clockwork orange
- anthony doerr - cloud cuckoo land
- antonio damasio - descartes’ error
- aristotle - politics
- arlie russell hochschild - the managed heart
- arthur koestler - the act of creation
- ayn rand - atlas shrugged
- ayn rand - fountainhead
- baldassare castiglione - the book of the courtier
- barbara minto - the pyramid principle
- baruch spinoza - ethics
- benjamin graham - the intelligent investor
- benjamin graham and david dodd - security analysis
- bernard moitessier - the long way
- bernard suits - the grasshopper
- beth leonard - the voyager’s handbook: the essential guide to blue
water cruising
- betty smith - a tree grows in brooklyn
- bill bryson - a short history of nearly everything
- bob chapman - everybody matters
- brian christian - the alignment problem
- brian eno - a year with swollen appendices
- bruno munari - design as art
- c thi nguyen - games
- lewis - screwtape letters
- carl sagan - cosmos
- carl sagan - the demon-haunted world
- cathy o’neil - weapons of math destruction
- cennino cennini - the craftman’s handbook, daniel thompson
- cennydd bowles - future ethics
- charles baudelaire - les fleurs du mal
- charles long - how to survive without a salary
- charles petzold - code: the hidden language of computer hardware and
- charles stross - accelerando
- chris mcdowall - we are here
- chris voss - never split the difference
- christopher alexander - the battle for the life and beauty of the
- christopher alexander - the nature of order: a vision of a living
- christopher alexander - the nature of order: the luminous
- christopher alexander - the nature of order: the phenomenon of
- christopher alexander - the nature of order: the process of creating
- christopher alexander - the oregon experiment
- christopher alexander - the timeless way of building
- christopher day - environment and children
- claude steele - whistling vivaldi
- clayton christensen - the innovator’s dilemma
- clive thompson - coders
- coffee collective - the fundamentals of excellent coffee
- cole nussbaumer knaflic - storytelling with data
- danny meyer - setting the table
- dante alighieri - the divine comedy, mark musa translation
- darrell huff - how to lie with statistics
- dave addey - typeset in the future
- david byrne - how music works
- david corbett - the art of character
- david graeber - bullshit jobs
- david graeber - debt
- david graeber - the dawn of everything
- david graeber - the utopia of rules
- david grann - the wager
- david heinemeier hansson - it doesn’t have to be crazy at work
- david heinemeier hansson - rework
- david hume - an enquiry concerning human understanding
- david hume - treatise on human nature
- david lynch - catching the big fish
- david shields - reality hunger
- david sucher - city comforts
- diane ackerman - deep play
- dino buzzati - the tartar steppe
- donella meadows - thinking in systems
- donna tartt - the secret history
- douglas adams - the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy
- douglas hubbard - how to measure anything
- dougles comer - operating system design: the xinu approach
- e b browning - aurora leigh
- e.m. forster - maurice
- eckhart tolle - the power of now
- ed catmull - creativity inc
- ed emberly - make a world
- edith wharton - the age of innocence
- edogawa rampo - the two-sen copper coin
- edward herman, noam chomsky - manufacturing consent
- edwin abbott - flatland
- elisabeth luard - the old world kitchen
- eliyahu goldratt - beyond the goal
- eliyahu goldratt - the goal
- elizier yudkowsky - inadequate equilibria
- ellen lupton - graphic design: the new basics
- ellen lupton - thinking with type
- emily st john mandel - sea of tranquility
- emily st john mandel - station eleven
- emma straub - this time tomorrow
- epictetus - the art of living
- eric berne - games people play
- eric klinenberg - palaces for the people
- eric ries - the lean startup
- erich maria remarque - arc de triomphe
- ernest hemingway - a farewell to arms
- euclid - euclid’s elements
- evan thompson - waking, dreaming, being
- f.s.c. northrop - meeting of east and west
- fran lebowitz - metropolitan life
- frank herbert - dune
- friedrich nietzsche - human, all too human
- george berkeley - a treatise concerning the principles of human
- george eliot - adam bede
- george saunders - civilwarland
- george saunders - lincoln in the bardo
- george saunders - tenth of december
- gina rushton - the most important job in the world
- gottfried wilhelm leibniz - philosophical essays
- graham allison - essence of decision
- graham greene - a burnt-out case
- graham greene - the end of the affair
- graham greene - the quiet american
- gregory zuckerman - the man who solved the market
- h.d.f. kitto - the greeks
- h.g. wells - the war of the worlds
- harold abelson, gerald jay sussman - structure and interpretation of
computer programs
- harold mcgee - keys to good cooking
- harold mcgee - nose dive
- harold mcgee - on food and cooking
- harry braverman - labor and monopoly capital
- haruki murakami - underground
- henri bergson - matter and memory
- henry david thoreau - journals
- herman pontzer - burn
- hermann hesse - steppenwolf
- hermann hesse - the glass bead game
- howard zinn - a people’s history of the united states
- hugh macleod - ignore everybody
- ian svenonius - supernatural strategies for making a rock’n’roll
- immanuel kant - critique of judgement
- immanuel kant - critique of pure reason
- iris origi - the merchant of prato
- isaac newton - the principia
- isabel allende - the house of the spirits
- isabel wilkerson - caste
- isabel wilkerson - the warmth of other suns
- italo calvino - invisible cities
- j.a. baker - the peregrine
- james gibson - the ecological approach to visual perception
- james gleick - chaos
- james hilton - lost horizon
- james hoffman - the world atlas of coffee
- jared diamond - guns germs and steel
- jason fried - it doesn’t have to be crazy at work
- jason fried - remote work
- jean anthelme brillat-savarin - the physiology of taste (m. f. k.
fisher translation)
- jean briggs - never in anger: portrait of an eskimo family
- jean paul sartre - being and nothingness
- jean paul sartre - nausea
- jean paul sartre - no exit
- jean-jacques rousseau - emile
- joan didion - play it as it lays
- jocko willink - extreme ownership
- john berger - selected essays
- john holt - how children fail
- john locke - second treatise of government
- john maeda - the laws of simplicity
- john maeda - tragic design
- john mcphee - oranges
- john o’hara - appointment in samarra
- john ousterhout - a philosophy of software design
- john steinbeck - the grapes of wrath
- john steinbeck - the sea of cortez
- john von neumann - the computer and the brain
- jonathan lethem - the ecstasy of influence
- jorge luis borges - ficciones
- jorge luis borges - the aleph and other stories
- joseph campbell - the hero with a thousand faces
- judith shulevitz - the sabbath world
- julie sahni - classic indian cooking
- kai bird - american prometheus
- karl popper - conjectures and refutations
- karl popper - objective knowledge
- karl popper - the logic of scientific discovery
- karl popper - the open society and its enemies (two volumes)
- kassia st. clair - the secret lives of color
- kate raworth - doughnut economics
- keri smith - the wander society
- kinji lopez-alt - the food lab
- kinji lopez-alt - the wok
- kio stark - don’t go back to school
- kip thorne - the science of interstellar
- kit yates - the math of life and death
- klaus kemp - dieter rams: the complete works
- kōga saburō - the spider
- lana del rey - violet bent backwards over the grass
- larry mcmurtry - lonesome dove
- leigh barrdugo - ninth house
- leon krier - drawing for architecture
- lewis hyde - the gift
- lewis hyde - the gift
- lewis mumford - technics and civilization
- linda barry - what it is
- lord byron - selected poems
- louise erdrich - the night watchman
- lyanda lynn haupt - rooted
- fisher - consider the oyster
- madeline miller - the song of achilles
- marcus tullius cicero - how to grow old
- marcus tullius cicero - on gods
- marcus tullius cicero - on the republic
- marianne cusato - get your house right: architectural elements to
use & avoid
- mark bedau - emergence
- mark epstein - thoughts without a thinker
- mark kurlansky - salt
- marshall mcluhan - the medium is the massage
- martin buber - i and thou
- martin j. osborne, ariel rubinstein - a course in game theory
- masanobu fukuoka - the one-straw revolution
- mau-kun yim - lessons in masterful portrait drawing
- michael lewis - flash boys
- michael lewis - liar’s poker
- michael lewis - moneyball
- michael lewis - premonition
- michael lewis - the big short
- michael lewis - the blind side
- michael lewis - the fifth risk
- mike monteiro - design is a job
- mike monteiro - ruined by design
- mikel jollett - hollywood park
- murasaki shikibu - the tale of genji
- nadia eghbal - working in public
- nancy duarte - slide:ology
- nate silver - the signal and the noise
- neil postman - amusing ourselves to death
- nili portugali - the act of creation and the spirit of a place: a
holistic-phenomenological approach to architecture
- norman fischer - when you greet me i bow
- oliver burkeman - the antidote
- barnum - the art of money getting
- patricia highsmith - the talented mr. ripley
- percy bysshe shelley - the complete poems
- philip k. dick - do androids dream of electric sheep
- pierre bourdier - distinction: a social critique of the judgement of
- plato - gorgias
- plato - meno
- plato - the republic
- plutarch - the fall of the roman republic
- ray bradbury - fahrenheit 451
- ray dalio - principles
- rebecca goldstein - plato at the googleplex
- rebecca serle - the dinner list
- rene decartes - discourse on method
- rene decartes - meditations on first philosophy
- richard dawkins - the ancestor’s tale
- richard feynman - tips on physics
- richard feynman - what do you care what other people think?
- richard saul wurman - information anxiety
- rob walker - the art of noticing
- robert a. heinlein - stranger in a strange land
- robert caro - the power broker
- robert coram - boyd, the fighter pilot who changed the art of
- robert wearing - the essential woodworker
- robert wearing - the solution at hand
- robin knox-johnston - a world of my own
- roman krznaric - the good ancestor
- ruben pater - the politics of design
- rutger bregman - humankind
- ruth ozeki - a tale for the time being
- ruth ozeki - the book of form and emptiness
- hayakawa - language in thought and action
- sam gorski - top 10 games you can play in your head
- samel beckett - waiting for godot
- sara hendren - what can a body do
- scott mccloud - understanding comics
- scott rao - the professional barista’s handbook
- sei shonagon - the pillow book
- seishi yokomizo - the honjin murders
- seneca - on anger
- sextus empiricus - outlines of scepticism
- shunryu suzuki - zen mind, beginner’s mind
- sidney lumet - making movies
- simone de beauvoir - all men are mortal
- simone de beauvoir - second sex
- soren kierkegaard - fear and trembling
- soren kierkegaard - the lily of the field and the bird of the
- stanislaw lem - solaris
- stanislaw lem - the invincible
- stephen kellert - biophilic design
- stephen levitt - freakonomics
- steve grand - creation
- steven johnson - where good ideas come from
- stewart brand - how buildings learn
- sun tzu - the art of war
- susan orlean - the library book
- susan sontag - notes on camp
- susan sontag - on photography
- suzanne simard - finding the mother tree
- white - the once and the future king
- takemaru abiko - the 8 mansion murders
- takuan soho - the unfettered mind
- tal ben-shahar - happier
- ted chiang - stories of your life and others
- terence tao - analysis
- theodore dreiser - an american tragedy
- thomas piketty - capital
- thomas piketty - capital and ideology
- thomas pynchon - inherent vice
- thomas schelling - strategy of conflict
- tigran haas - new urbanism and beyond
- tom demarco - peopleware
- tove jansson - moomin
- umberto eco - how to write a thesis
- ursula franklin - the real world of technology
- ursula k le guin - a wizard of earthsea
- ursula k le guin - the tombs of atuan
- various - plutarch’s lives
- verlyn klinkenborg - several short sentences about writing
- victor i. stoichita - a short history of the shadow
- vladimir nabokov - invitation to a beheading
- vladimir nabokov - lolita
- w chan kim - blue ocean strategy
- walpola rahula - what the buddha taught
- wendell berry - jayber crow
- will durant - the story of philosophy
- william braxton irvine - a guide to the good life
- william dalrymple - the anarchy: the east india company, corporate
violence, and the pillage of an empire
- william gibson - neuromancer
- william zinsser - on writing well
- yasunari kawabata - snow country
- yukito ayatsuji - the decagon house murders